daffodils in front of the Feliciano School of Business

Feliciano School of Business Students Shine in 2024 Microsoft Office Specialist NJ Championship

Posted in: Accounting & Finance

The winners of the 2024 Fall Qualifier Microsoft Office Specialist New Jersey State Championship have been announced by Certiport, the leading provider of performance-based IT certification exams that accelerate academic and career opportunities for learners.

Winning 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th & 10th in the Microsoft Office Specialist Excel (Office 2019) category are Feliciano School of Business students: Matthew Morgan, Ayda Karabel, Carlee Iannone, Leonardo Rodriguez-Rosamilia & Aiden Yuen. These winners competed against students from across New Jersey to earn this coveted placement. To compete in the Fall Qualifier, students aged 13 to 22 were eligible to participate in one of six competition tracks by submitting a qualified, passing score on the Microsoft Office Specialist Word, Excel®, or PowerPoint® certification exams by December 20, 2024.

“The title of ‘Microsoft Office Specialist Champion’ will serve these students well in both their academic and career pursuits. Not only have they proven they are the best in their state at using Microsoft Office products effectively, but they also have an important distinction to place on their resume that shows a desire to learn and validate in-demand skills,” said Dr Gary Gates, Managing Director, Pearson VUE. Certiport’s Microsoft Office Specialist, backed by Microsoft, is an industry-recognized certification program that assesses students’ Microsoft Office skills and prepares them for real-world application of their knowledge.