Thank You to the University Community
Posted in: Community Relations - Features, Featured Links, Homepage News and Events, News for Faculty & Staff

Dear Montclair State University Community,
I am writing to thank the many hundreds of people who pitched in to make Investiture Day wonderful for me and my family, and for the entire University community. The comments from our guests were universally positive about the entire day.
You gave me an incredibly warm welcome, for which I am deeply grateful. But even more importantly, we celebrated together all that makes our University remarkable, and underscored for ourselves and our visitors all that is truly inspirational and amazing about Montclair.
From the Campus Festival highlighting the many amazing programs, research and initiatives of our colleges, schools and administrative units and our work with community partners, to the Ceremony, which included uplifting student performances and inspirational speeches, the day was truly spectacular. I was so happy to spend it celebrating with you.
Myriad employees and students worked hard to make this day possible. Foremost among them is Nicole Fleming ’06, our talented, dedicated Director of Special Events. She worked tirelessly to plan and produce this event. I also want to thank the planning committee: vice presidents Joe Brennan, Colleen Coppla and Dawn Soufleris, Dean Dan Gurskis, and my chief of staff, Keith Barrack, a team that was ably supported by Pamela Fox in my office and Kaitlin Kurdyla in Conference Services.
I also want to thank the many departments and units who played important roles, including The College of the Arts, Student Development and Campus LIfe, University Communications and Marketing, Development, University Facilities, and the Office of the President, and of course all of the departments and programs who were so well represented at the Campus Festival.
And finally, thank you to everyone for your support and enthusiasm for our University. Together, we make great things happen.
Jonathan GS Koppell, PhD