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Md Liaquat Hossain

Director, School of Computing, School of Computing, College of Science and Mathematics

Center for Computing and Information Science 327Q
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I currently serve as Director and Professor of the School of Computing at Montclair State University, New Jersey. Prior to joining Montclair State, I was Nebraska Healthcare Collaborative Chair of Population Health and served as the Inaugural Department Chairperson and Ron and Carol Cope Endowed Professor for the Cyber Systems Department at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. I also served as a member of Education committee of the Center for Intelligent Health Care at UNMC-University of Nebraska Medical Center and an elected Board Member of CyncHealth-Nebraska Healthcare Collaborative, a nonprofit organization. Prior to Nebraska, I served on a variety of senior leadership roles as Division Head/Head of School, Associate Dean of Graduate School, Sub Dean, Associate Dean of Research, and Interim/Acting Dean at leading research universities such as the University of Sydney Australia (USYD), and the University of Hong Kong (HKU). I also spent sabbatical year as Professor and continue to be Senior Research Affiliate at the Informatics Department of Lund University, Sweden. I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Information Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology after completing my PhD in Information Technology and Computer Science from the University of Wollongong Australia.

In my work, I draw theoretical and methodological implications from complex networks and systems, information and computational sciences, theoretical physics, evolutionary biology, non-linear dynamical systems, mathematical organizational theory, social and community psychology, and statistical mechanics for studying large-scale complex networks and systems. This transdisciplinary approach helps me study systemic resilience in the face of adverse events such as public and environmental health emergencies, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, bio-security, zoonotic and foodborne diseases, national security and emergencies. My primary research deals with communications and responses to public health preparedness, bio related threats and other types of natural and man-made disasters requiring multi-jurisdictional coordinated responses. My secondary research is in the area of health systems, health promotion and risk reduction for vulnerable populations. I led several projects related to digital surveillance networks of Ebola epidemics, H1N1, SARS, MERS, TB, Diabetes projects in China and West Africa.

I secured more than U$20M competitive research grants and created cross disciplinary Complex Systems Research Cluster using federal and industry funding which supported over 30 doctoral students. I published over 200 international peer-reviewed research papers in the areas of information and decision sciences, computational sciences, knowledge management, and complex emergencies including public health preparedness. My work also appeared in prestigious international conferences such as Medical Imaging, ICIS, CSCW, ECSCW, Social Computing, HICSS, IFIP 8.1, IFIP 8.1, 8.3, IFIP TC 13. My Scopus h-index is 25 with over 3000 citations, google scholar h-index 36 with over 6800 citations, and ResearchGate h-index 30 with over 4700 citations. I was invited to serve as a key panel member for Australian Hon Prime Minister Tony Abbot Govt for Prime Minister’s Science Innovation Award selection. For research grants and reporting, I worked with Australian, Swedish, HK Research Council, NHMRC-National Health and Medical Res, DoD, EU FP7, NSF and NIH.


Disasters, Disaster Medicine, Social Medicine, Resilient Systems, Biosecurity

I am interested in studying systemic resilience in the face of adverse events such as public and environmental health emergencies, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, bio-security, zoonotic and foodborne diseases, national security and emergency.
